
Collaborate with the server and earn rewards!

Why donate?

By donating you are helping to keep the server online, with quality and always updated.
You get Coin Donate's as a reward for collaboration that can be redeemed for various items in game.

  • Coin Donate: R$ 1,00
Para realizar sua doaço, favor, acesse seu Painel do Cliente.

1º   xVideos 24 pvps
2º   SagaZ 20 pvps
3º   Roque 14 pvps
4º   Red 13 pvps
1º   SagaZ 27 pks
2º   NosferaTu 26 pks
3º   xVideos 17 pks
4º   Roque 13 pks
1º   Kamikazes 8 lvl
2º   FatalModel 8 lvl
3º   Maconha 3 lvl
4º   Irmandade 3 lvl
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