Opening 06/15/2024
June 10, 2024
Dear Players, we know how excited you are for our grand opening! As we are still configuring the server, we need to postpone our launch until 06/15/2024 (Saturday) at 8:00 pm. We are committed to keeping the server well aligned, balanced and with a variety of events to be able to bring you a Most surprising world of challenges! Our goal is to bring a fair and long-lasting server to the community, and to this end we are preparing an incredible project that will benefit solo players, party and clan players, with events, prizes and lots of new features!
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Update 2.0
Dear Players, we are pleased to announce our
Update Pack 2.0, Our City of Giran has been redesigned
It is more open and with incredible effects!!
Download our client in...
29 June, 2024
Abertura do Open Beta de L2 Premiumm
Prezados Aventureiros,
Estamos emocionados em anunciar que a versão Open Beta de L2 Premiumm está oficialmente disponível! Este é o momento perfeito pa...
08 April, 2024
O Refúgio dos Verdadeiros Aventureiros!
Exploradores, guerreiros e mestres das artes místicas, é hora de se reunir, pois uma nova era de desafios e aventuras está prestes a começar. Na L2 Prem...
05 April, 2024
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1º xVideos 24 pvps
2º SagaZ 20 pvps
3º Roque 14 pvps
4º Red 13 pvps
1º SagaZ 27 pks
2º NosferaTu 26 pks
3º xVideos 17 pks
4º Roque 13 pks
1º Kamikazes 8 lvl
2º FatalModel 8 lvl
3º Maconha 3 lvl
4º Irmandade 3 lvl